Keep Tryst: The Walkers of Pittsburgh & Sewickley Valley
Privately published in 2004, this book is a business and social history of two Scottish brothers who emigrated to Pittsburgh in the early 1830s and established a number of important businesses. One of them, the Harbison-Walker Refractories Co., dominated the U. S. market in firebricks. After being firmly established financially and socially, the Walkers built several mansions in Allegheny and the Sewickley Valley. Stephen Neal Dennis, author of Historic Houses of the Sewickley Valley, has sprinkled the book liberally with photos. Keep Tryst (the motto of the Walker Family) is available only at selected venues.
Hardbound, 7-1/2" x 10-1/4", 373 pages, illus.
(PA residents add 7% sales tax), plus $6.00 postage/handling