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2019 Architectural Preservation Award

Signals, May 2019

As part of its mission, Sewickley Valley Historical Society encourages preservation of the architectural heritage of the community, and since 1987 the Society has presented Architectural Preservation Awards to worthy projects. Although the honor is not bestowed every year and often multiple awards are made, 2019 marks the 26th such award. This year the award is being given to a commercial building, as was the very first one, presented to Ettore Miceli for the Victorian store front at 412 Beaver Street, Sewickley, the longtime location of Miceli’s Tailor Shop.

The 2019 Architectural Preservation Award recipient is Mediterra Café, 430 Beaver Street, Sewickley. The recent renovation and restoration of the building has been a collaborative effort of Nick Ambeliotis, founder of Pittsburgh-based Mediterra Bake- house; Tom McCargo, building owner and president of Urban Villages, Inc., which focuses on long-term value generation through place-oriented design; and Heather Wildman of Wildman Chalmers Design, which earned a Certificate of Merit for Mediterra Café in the Small Projects category of AIA Pittsburgh’s 2018 Design Pittsburgh competition.

Mediterra’s block in the Village has a long history of food service. The building was originally home to the E. W. Becker butcher shop, followed by Carroll’s Cash Market, then Brand’s Meat Market, and was adjacent to the Continental Grocery Store and Gray’s Meat Market.


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